Monday, June 11, 2007

Week 2 begins

Slowly but surely, I'm getting stronger. How can I tell? I have 3 cues that let me know: I'm going farther before taking a walk break, the walk breaks are fewer in number, and they are shorter in length. Woo hoo!! Yeah, me! I'm still not breaking any records, today's 3 mile run took me right at 35 minutes (I finally remembered my stopwatch). We did the IU Loop again. Weather conditions at the time of the run: 86F, 30% humidity (pretty mild for IN), and light breeze at 6mph from the east. When I got home from that, I took the puppy for a 1 mile walk around the neighborhood. It was a perfect length to wear her out and cool me down.

I will probably always be the slowest one in our group but I'm also sporting one of the biggest smiles. I'm just so proud of being able to do this at all. I like seeing my legs taking shape and the muscles feeling stronger (hey, I didn't even know I had muscles!!). I have a long way to go, but I've already crossed some pretty big hurdles to get here. Onward and upward!

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