Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Lovely evening

My hubby was late getting home today, which meant I had a later run than usual. He didn't get home until after 8:30, I hit the road at 8:45. It actually was beautiful outside at that time. After the heat of the past week, we had a little cold front move through earlier today. By 9pm, it was a pleasant 77F and there was a light breeze. It was heavenly to run in that! By the time I was finished with my 3 miles, it was dusk but I had enough daylight to stretch and then do some strides in the backyard. Wonder what the neighbors thought of me running barefoot through my backyard repeatedly? Doesn't matter because at the end of it, I felt really GOOD.

Did I mention how much my physique has changed since I started running 6 months ago? I started this as part of my program to improve my health and fitness later. Running was my means of improving my cardio but I also changed my eating habits considerably. Until a week ago, I was on a low-carb, high-protein diet. I decided to boost my carb intake though to help with my running (still waiting to see the effect of that!). In 6 months, I've gone from a size 16 to a 10 and dropped 30 pounds. It's nice to not dread looking in the mirror and to feel my body getting strong. In a way, running is a means to an end (weight loss) but I also know that I need to continue to work at it to improve the fitness (muscle/endurance) and that's a never-ending process. Joining the training group is one step to keep me on the straight and narrow, once that's done I'll find another goal to reach for since that helps me to keep pushing. I tell me friends it's not a "diet" it's a lifestyle change.

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