Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Too distracted to run

My puppy's still very very sick and I'm finding that it's affecting every aspect of my mood and activity. I did go for my evening run last night, but I just can't seem to turn off my worrying even when I'm running. I'm exhausted mentally and emotionally, that seems to be affecting my physical endurance as well. My training schedule called for a short 2 mile run with 8x100m strides. I ended up doing 1.5 miles with 4x100m strides, then walked back another 1.5 miles. The walking was very soothing to my stressed state though. When I was running, I didn't notice much of what was around me. During the walk, I admired the blooming wildflowers and saw/heard so many birds with fledglings. It's good to take the time to notice the good things. I needed that yesterday.

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