Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I'm back

I didn't slack off on my running, just on my writing! For starters, my sick puppy was taking up every spare moment for over a week (he was hospitalized for 9 days, if you're counting) but he did pull through. Parvo + pneumonia = 1 near-death experience for the little guy. The puppy (now named Phoenix) is looking fully recovered now and you'd never know he'd been sick a day.

Training for the mini is going well, I'm still hanging in there and keeping up on the scheduled work-outs. On this past Saturday, we ran the first part of the race route (just under 6 mi of it). Hooo-boy...got some nice hills along that route! I then found out that we are supposed to run the 2nd portion on a Saturday that I was scheduled to work. Since I desperately wanted a chance to do that with the group, I managed to trade my Saturday shifts so I'll be able to go.

After running a 4.5 mi on Thursday, then the 5.7 mi on Saturday, I found yesterday's (Monday) run to be weak. I managed 2 miles before my legs said "no more", but since it was an out-and-back run they had to suffer through the rest of the route anyway. I did 3.6 mi but it felt harder than what I'd done the previous Thurs and Sat. I'm supposed to do 2 miles today but since I have the kids/no sitter, it looks like I'll have to do a treadmill workout (yuck, it's humid in the basement...).

And updated my post to add that I did accomplish the workout and did it outside after all. It's just too nice to run indoors so I crated the puppies, told the kids to behave themselves for half an hour and took myself for a run. I stayed in the neighborhood (figured I'd smell the smoke if the kids tried to burn the place down that way) and did my neighborhood loop. I wanted to do two full loops but after the first loop was ready to quit. I pushed through another half of the route (the loop is more like a cloverleaf with my house in the middle of the 3 leaves) and called it good. Although late for a morning run, the weather was perfect. I may take the kids over to the park for lunch before I head in to work. I rather like the odd schedule I'm working today, makes it feel like a day off!

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